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How To Clean Breville Espresso Machine

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The cleaning side of things is a significant difference between a professional café and a home user. While you’ve invested a lot of money on a Breville home espresso machine to produce great-tasting third-wave specialty coffee, why do you want that machine to produce a faulty coffee because you are not cleaning it correctly?

Related: How to Use Your Breville Espresso Machine (14 Breville Models Explained).

The cleaning of different Braille espresso machines is the same, although there are significant differences. We have explained in various articles the cleaning care and troubleshooting of all Breville espresso machines. Whatever Breville espresso machine you have, click on one of the links below and read all about the cleaning, maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair of the Breville espresso machine you have:

  1. Breville Dual Boiler 
  2. Breville Barista Touch 
  3. Breville Barista Express 
  4. Breville Bambino 
  5. Breville Bambino Plus 
  6. Breville Barista Pro 
  7. Breville Oracle 
  8. Breville Cafe Roma 
  9. Breville Infuser 
  10. Breville Duo Temp Pro 
  11. Breville Dynamic Duo 
  12. Breville Barista Max 

Making coffee in a clean machine is very important. It will lead to a more excellent tasting cup of coffee. Keeping your machine clean will help it last longer. Daily cleaning of your machine will avoid mold bacteria and nasty grime buildup. People often forget to clean a few things, especially the drip tray and steam wand. Cleaning will help your espresso machine run smoothly, so it’s essential to clean and maintain your home Breville espresso machine.  

It would help if you covered all aspects of your Breville machine during cleaning and maintenance, from cleaning the group head and steam wand to descaling to changing the water filter regularly. As a hard and fast rule, if you make 2-5 cups of coffee a day, you should clean some parts every week (The parts are explained in detail in the next part of the article), while you only need to clean the grinder and the water tank of your Breville machine every two to three weeks.

The below video will tell you about the four main areas of your Breville espresso machine that you have to clean regularly.

Some tools can be used to clean Breville machines. It helps in the thorough cleaning of your machines.

  • Cleaning tool/Brush: Coffee cleaning brushes are essential for keeping your espresso machine clean and in good working order. Cleaning tools are often included in the Barista Express machine.
  • Pin cleaning tool: If the steam is blocked, you can use the pin in the cleaning tool to clear the opening. This pin cleaning tool is included with many machines like The Duo-Temp pro and the Infuser.
  • Cleaning tablets: The cleaning tablets are for the brewing units, and the descaling tablets are for the water system. It cleans away the coffee oil. These tablets can be used in Breville Barista Pro or Café Roma.
  • Cleaning Discs: It is a flexible rubber that fits into a portafilter, and it is used with cleaning tablets. This cleaning tool is present in many Breville machines like Bambino Plus.
  • Allen key: Allen keys are used for tightening or loosening bolts. This tool comes with Breville machines like the Oracle or Dual- boiler.
  • Nylon scrub brush: It is made of nylon filaments and used for aggressive scrubbing, dusting, surface finishing or cleaning, and removing contaminants.
  • A large Container for catching liquid on empty cycles: The container device includes a generally horizontal platform for catching overflow liquid, and it comes with Barista Touch.
  • Soft towel and a pot: This can be used to clean the surfaces of the coffee machines.

Breville Espresso Machine Everyday Maintenance

Here are some things that you can keep in mind to maintain your coffee machine, and you wouldn’t need any deeper cleaning.

  • Drip tray: You need to clean the drip tray daily. Empty it into the sink and wash it. Always let the drip tray dry completely before inserting it back into the machine. Please give it a good wash or even scrub it to avoid bad odor or mold growth.
  • Steam wand: This is one of the trouble or problem areas in espresso machines. Each time you use a steamer, drain any residual milk by using it in the steam area until the liquid comes out. Allow to cool, then wipe down the wand. If the steamer is blocked, use the PIN on the cleanup tool to remove it. 
  • Coffee grinds bin: This is a little bit in which you dump your used grounds after making your coffee. Dump and rinse this basket regularly to avoid any smell or growth inside it.
  • Filter Basket: It is essential to clean or wipe the baskets to avoid any obstruction. Tap the basket into the coffee grinder and rinse the basket with water. Wash the basket to prevent oil buildup. If the basket is blocked, use a PIN in the cleanup tool to wipe.

Breville Espresso Machine Deeper Cleaning

If cleaning small tools is essential, then cleaning the machine’s pieces that do all your background is most important.

  • Group head: The grouphead or portafilter is cleaned to remove any trapped coffee. Wash the machine mechanically with a local filter to remove any trapped coffee and wash the units. You can also do these steps; apply the filter to the portafilter and run it once without coffee grounds. Use the pin cleaner tool to remove any blockage.
  • Water Filter: The water filter needs to be cleaned every 2 months. Remove the filter and soak it for 5 minutes and clean it thoroughly. To get your reminder, you can set dial two months for cleaning. Could you put it back in the filter holder when it is clean and compact?
  • Grinder: This part of the machine needs cleaning to keep your beans fresh and avoid any oil trapped. Clean it after a few weeks with a brush to remove any coffee grounds that may be blocked in the blade.
  • Use a cleaning tablet or disc: Cleaning tablets and discs is the easiest way to clean your coffee machine. Nothing beats just adding a tablet into the cleaning disc and pushing the correct buttons.

Quick Guide On How To Clean A Breville Espresso Machine:

Cleaning and maintenance should cover all the aspects of your machine, from cleaning your water filter to properly cleaning steam wands and significant parts of the machine.

It is essential to keep your coffee machine clean to make it last longer. Below is a guide and instructions to make your life easier, so you don’t have to read the whole booklet.

  • Time Required: 5 min
  • Cleaning cycles: 25 min
  • Total time: 30 min.


All the equipment listed below can be used to clean your coffee machine:

  • A soft brush
  • Pin cleaning tool
  • Cleaning discs
  • Soft cloth
  • A bowl
  • Cleaning tablets



  1. Check the drip tray after each use and empty it into the garbage. It takes only a few seconds and prevents accumulation over time.
  2. The steam wand on espresso machines is typically a cause of annoyance, but it doesn’t have to be. Make sure to empty the line of any leftover milk every time you use the steam wand by running it on the steam setting until no more liquid comes out. Wipe the exterior of the wand well with a soft towel when it has cooled to eliminate any splashback. Clean the tip of your steam wand with the cleaning tool that comes with your unit to ensure there are no obstructions.
  3. The filter basket must be cleared as the final item of routine maintenance. Gently tap the basket over your garbage can to dislodge residual grounds, then wash with soap and water.


  1. Remove the group head. Running a brewing cycle with the portafilter installed using only water is a good starting step. Keep an eye on the water as it leaves the machine. Coffee-colored water suggests lingering coffee in the group head; therefore, the cleaner the water, the better.
  2. It’s a good idea to clean up the holes in the filter using the pin tool that came with your machine after performing a water brew cycle. It may take some time, so be patient. Cleaning the filter holes and removing old coffee will drastically improve the flavor of your espresso.
  3. Replace the water filter if necessary. Breville espresso machines include a water filter that needs to be replaced every 1.5-2 months, just like the water filter in your refrigerator. You should change your water filter if you haven’t already. Old filters are less effective than fresh filters and can grow mold and germs, altering the taste of your espresso and, in some cases, rendering it harmful to consume.
  4. Make sure to clean the associated grinder during your deep cleaning sessions if your machine has one. Grinders are generally low-maintenance, but you should brush out the burrs and remove as much coffee dust and old grinds as possible. Never clean your burrs with soap or water, as this can cause them to rust and become unusable.
  5. Make use of the cleaning disc as well as the tablets. The final step is to use the cleaning disc and cleaning tablets that come with your coffee machine to run the built-in cleaning cycle. The procedure is simple and takes only a few minutes.
  6. Insert a cleaning tablet in the center of the cleaning disc and place it in the one-cup filter. For an espresso shot, attach the portafilter to the machine as you would. To start the cleaning cycle, press and hold the power button, one-cup button, and two-cup button all at the same time until the cleaning light flashes.
  7. When the cleaning cycle is complete, perform another brew cycle with only water to eliminate any cleaning solution that may have remained in the machine. If you don’t, the flavor of your next few shots can be off.

NOTES: Cleaning tablets, a cleaning disc, and a brush are included with most Breville espresso machines, so you’ll need to gather the nylon brush, bowl, and towel from your supplies.

Even if you clean your machine after each usage, it will need a more thorough cleaning every 1-2 months. We clean our Breville once a month on the first Saturday, but if you don’t use your machine every day, you can stretch it to once a month and a half.

Verdict: How To Clean Breville Espresso Machine


Most individuals put off cleaning their espresso machine because they believe it will take too long, but the truth is that they will end up doing more work in the long run. To keep your Breville machine working like new, all you need is 5 minutes per day and roughly 30 minutes once a month. Your coffee will continue to taste excellent, your machine will last longer, and you won’t dread cleaning day because you’ll always be on top of things if you follow the instructions given here. It’s better this way, believe us.

We guarantee that if you clean your espresso machine regularly, it will last you many years. It won’t make a big difference whether you use cleaning tablets or plain store-bought vinegar for your descaling operation.

If you follow the correct cleaning techniques and timing, you will likely have an excellent espresso cup to your name.


Why Is My Breville Espresso Not Working?

Several issues could cause your Espresso machine to cease working; however, the following are the most common:

  • The power cord or on/off switch on the machine has failed.
  • It’s possible that the valve was turned off due to clogging.
  • Choked tubes

How to fix it?

If the switch or cord is broken, a professional has it replaced. Do not attempt to repair yourself because wrong redressing or replacement may endanger your safety.

Why should you keep your machine clean?

It is essential to clean your coffee maker not only for the health of your machine but also to keep the taste of your morning drink fresh. The texture of the coffee can cause your cup to taste bitter, or worse; there may be yeast and mold hidden in the water storage area.

Cleaning your machine will save energy and help you avoid expensive repairs or complete replacement of your coffee machine. By doing a little daily care and regular deep cleaning, you can prevent the accumulation of pressure back on your tap and make the feature work more effectively.

For more detail, visit the below video:

Do I need to clean my Breville espresso machine?

If your machine is left alone without cleaning, that residue will have a few undesirable effects on your coffee: Your coffee will begin to taste bitter. Your coffee and coffee machine will produce an acrid smell. Coffee residue can cause clogging and blockages that can render a machine unusable.

When making 2-5 cups of coffee a day, some parts should be cleaned weekly, and the grinder and water tank only need to be cleaned every two to three weeks. 

How to clean my steam wand regularly and thoroughly?

Clean/wipe the steam wand with a “steam wand only” designated damp rag after every drink throughout the day. Keep this wet rag in a small pan to the side of the espresso machine. It would help if you never used this rag for wiping counters or anything other than the steam wand to prevent contamination.

It is best practice to wipe your steam rod immediately after each use with a cloth given. If this is ignored, the only safe way to remove the buildup is to wrap the wand tightly with a wet tea towel and turn on the steamer for 30 seconds.

For more detail, visit the below video:

What are hard water filters? And how often should you change them?

A solid water filter also called a water softener, is designed to filter water to extract excess minerals. Solid water has a higher content than normal minerals such as magnesium and calcium. Mineral water may sound healthy, but the level of old limescale can be hard on the pipes, dishes, clothes, and skin.

Look for coffee makers with built-in water filters, which can remove contaminants that impact the flavor of your brew. Some people prefer the flavor of coffee made with hard water since the additional magnesium makes coffee stronger.

It is recommended to replace your coffee maker’s water filter every two months or after every 60 brews since the charcoal filter can reduce odors and contaminants on its surface. As a result, the charcoal filter collects these contaminants.

For more detail, visit the below video:

How to purge and backwash your group head?

To vigorously scrub the sealing surface, use a particular group head cleaning brush and hot water. You should purge, clean, and wipe the steam wands with warm soapy water and a non-abrasive cloth every day to remove all milk residues from them.

For more detail, visit the below video:

How do I descale my Breville grind control?

The Breville espresso machine’s grind control system is one of its many distinguishing features. You can modify the grinding size according to your preferences with this. The adjustable grind size and coffee volume are suited for anyone’s preferences.

When it’s time to descale your system, the LCD panel displays the message “descale.” It’s best to descale as soon as that notification appears.

To descale, all you have to do is press the carafe button and choose a strength level. For the most outstanding results, use a pre-ground level.

Fill the water tank with a mixture of vinegar and water. “4 CUPS” is frequently displayed on display. Then turn the dial to 12 cups by pressing the carafe button. Until the descaling process starts, press the “Strength” button. When the process is finished, the screen will display the word “READY.” It is how you can tell if your Breville Grind Control has been thoroughly cleaned.

How do you flush a Breville Coffee machine?

Push the 2 CUP button on your Breville espresso machine to flush it. It will stream hot water for 30-35 seconds through the group head. The steam will then be activated for 10 seconds.

Rep to this procedure as needed until the water tank is completely depleted. Your Breville machine will be appropriately flushed.

How often should I descale my Breville espresso machine?

 If your home is based on solid water and you use your espresso machine 6 times a day, we recommend that you describe your espresso machine every three weeks or every month to avoid the formation of scales. However, if you are in an area with soft water, it is recommended that you reduce the dose every 3 to 4 months.

How do you thoroughly clean a Breville espresso machine?

Step 1: Fill the coffee maker with vinegar and water.

To clean your coffee maker, first, fill the water tank with 50-50 white cumin vinegar and water. You can increase the amount of vinegar in the water if your coffee maker has a severe case of accumulation. Vinegar not only cleanses the coffee maker and carafe but will also dissolve any accumulated mineral deposits.

Step 2: Install and allow to immerse.

Put the filter in a basket, and turn the brewer on. About halfway through the brew, turn off the coffee maker, and allow the remaining vinegar solution to soak in the carafe and reservoir for about 30 to 60 minutes, depending on how much buildup you need to remove.

Step 3: Finish the cycle and wash with water.

Open the coffee maker and let us complete the coffee-making cycle. If any, throw in a paper filter and pour in the vinegar solution.

Now you can remove the smell of vinegar and taste it from the coffee maker. Fill the reservoir with clean water, place the filter in a basket, open the coffee maker, and let it complete the brewing cycle. Remove the filter, pour in the water, and repeat with clean water the second cycle. Wipe your coffee maker and coffee pot with a clean cloth.

Can I use vinegar to descale my Breville espresso machine?

 You can descale the coffee maker by running a brew cycle with one part water to one part vinegar. As long as you clean it thoroughly with vinegar or a descaling liquid purchased at the store at least once a month, you will be able to prevent germs, mineral deposits, and mold.

Cleaning a coffee machine with vinegar is easy and affordable. Mix three parts of vinegar with one part of water and run the machine. Always check the manual to ensure that the vinegar does not damage the espresso machine in solid solutions.

How to Ensure Your Coffee Machine Keeps Running Smoothly?

Regular maintenance of coffee machines is an essential practice. Neglecting these tasks could see your machine out of order with your business losing money in lost sales, not to mention the bill that could arise from costly repairs and coffee machine engineer call-out fees.

RULE NO 1. Clean steam wand after every milk-based drink

RULE NO 2. Backflush the coffee machine daily

RULE NO 3. Make changes to your coffee machine water filter when necessary.

For more detail, visit the below video:

Can I Use My Breville Espresso Machine without A Filter?

If you don’t use a filter, your Breville espresso machine will have essential calcium and magnesium buildup from your water.

Most of our tap water is hard water with a high acidity level and a high mineral content. These minerals can clog the machine by forming a layer inside of it.

Adding a filter to the equation slows down the operation. You’ll need to descale your Breville Barista Express once a month if you use a filter. However, if you don’t have it, you might have to do it twice a month. That’s a lot of effort for something that can be corrected.

How Long Do Breville Espresso Machines Last?

Breville is noted for its high-quality craftsmanship and long-lasting materials. Their espresso machines and barista coffee makers have been designed to withstand years of service. If you look after your Breville espresso machine and clean it regularly, it should last for at least 6-10 years! Breville is a dependable brand for coffee enthusiasts. They don’t make anything that can be thrown away.

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