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Notable for its sleek design and 34 oz water tank, the largest among mid-range OriginalLine Nespresso machines, Nespresso Machine CitiZ continues to please both Nespresso coffee drinkers and design lovers, adding a touch of elegance to coffee rituals around the globe. The Nespresso CitiZ is a dot award-winning compact, a reliable brewer with a powerful heating element. If your requirement is an integrated frother to make an elegant coffee, check out the CitiZ & Milk.
The CitiZ Nespresso Red Dot award-winning compact design fits any urban kitchen without taking up too much space. This Nespresso machine has many user-friendly features, including two programmable buttons, an automatic flow-stop for Espresso and Lungo coffee preparations, a 34 oz removable water tank, an espresso capsule container, and a removable drip tray that can hold taller glass recipes. These user-friendly features make it perfect for home baristas who want their specialty drinks day and night! Creating an incomparably dense and unctuous crema of each coffee capsule and perfectly extracting the delicate flavor and premium aromas are due to the 19 bar high-performance pump, which offers barista-style coffee every time. Make espresso and put it on ice to make your favorite iced coffee drink or regular coffee.
If you’re a caffeine addict, then the new CitiZ Nespresso machine from Nespresso is going to be your newest best friend. Within 25 seconds, its fast heat-up system reaches the ideal temperature. After 9 minutes of inactivity, its automatic energy-saving function switches the machine off – it has made life more accessible than ever before! The CitiZ machine embodies the expertise of Nespresso to suit all coffee-drinking preferences. It is intuitive and user-friendly; with iconic lines and a premium finish, it will make your morning perfect every time!
Each Nespresso CitiZ includes an espresso OriginalLine capsules welcome kit with less or more than 35 free coffee samples with a unique fragrance profile that you will receive for free FREE COFFEE SAMPLES SIGN IN when you purchase the device.
Related: Nespresso Descaling Solution Review →
Global Ratings: 2,459
Overall Rating: 96.11 out of 100
Temperature Control: 10/10
Coffee Quality: 9.8/10
Flavor: 9.8/10
Blending power: 9.7/10
Design & Features: 9.7/10
Durability: 9.0/10
Ease of Use: 9.7/10
Easy to Clean: 9.6/10
Brand Reputation: 9.2/10
Your money is of great value, so it is essential to know a few things before deciding to buy a coffee machine: Choose your favorite brand and line. Some people prefer espresso over coffee, and they like Nespresso machines. On the other hand, some people prefer Latte Macchiato and Americano to Espresso and Keurig vs Nespresso. Before buying a machine, you need to study Nespresso vs. Keurig so that you can choose the right brand for you. You have more to see:
What is Nespresso Citiz? Would you please read all about the Nespresso Citiz espresso machine and compare it with another dot award-winning compact model of Nespresso machines like Nespresso Pixie? You can also compare it with Nespresso’s more premium (and expensive) Lattissima models.
What is its design like? Some people are coffee drinkers as well as design lovers. Maybe someone likes an award-winning compact format, such as sleek design or a design with iconic lines, while some prefer simple techniques. Now it is up to you to decide whether you like elegant design or compact. Know its qualities and functionalities. Could you get to know its pros and cons? And what about the reviews given by people who have used this machine before? In addition, we have included a lot for you in this article, so you need to read this article before buying a machine.
Related content: How to Use Nespresso Citiz
With the Nespresso CitiZ, you can expect user-friendly features! Not only that but both Breville and DeLonghi make versions of this Nespresso machine, and the differences between them are primarily cosmetic.
If it matters to have an authentic Nespresso experience, go with whichever one appeals most aesthetically or doesn’t take too much space in your home’s kitchen. No matter which you buy, you can expect high-quality espresso and regular coffee with premium aromas!
Nespresso capsules from the Original line are compatible with Nespresso CitiZ. In addition, you can choose third-party Nespresso capsule flavors that will work perfectly in your favorite Original Line Nespresso machine! There’s a variety of options for different taste preferences and dietary restrictions – find out which one is right for you by checking out our list.
Nespresso compatible reusable pods are the way to go! These capsules work great with any finely-ground coffee beans, not just those from Nespresso. You can find several types on Amazon, like SealPod Nespresso Stainless Steel Reusable Pods, which will let you enjoy your favorite espresso and lungo in more ways. Just fill the coffee capsule with your choice of finely-ground coffee beans and enjoy!
Yes, though the Nespresso CitiZ will only provide you with an espresso. You’ll need some extra help to make your creamy latte! If buying it as a bundle, including a milk frother. You’ll get a built-in Aeroccino, Nespresso’s milk frother, in Nespresso CitiZ & Milk bundle. You can mix your espresso and frothed milk to make a tasty latte! If you want a Nespresso machine with a built-in milk frother, you can buy the Nespresso Lattissima.
I bought a DēLonghi Nespresso CITIZ machine. DēLonghi or Breville? I did a lot of research, and I made my decision. All positive reviews were for DēLonghi, and DēLonghi has been making the machine longer, therefore.
I chose the CITIZ machine because it uses OriginalLine Nespresso pods, and they are a little less expensive than VertuøLine pods. Also, they are all recyclable. I ordered a prepaid postal plastic bag free of charge from the Nespresso Website to return the aluminum pods to the recycling plant. I also found a video on Nespresso’s website that explains the recycling process. Some coffee lovers wouldn’t buy a Keurig coffee maker because their pods are plastic and not recyclable. I was thrilled because the creamy foam that Nespresso CITIZ makes is delicious.
My Nespresso CITIZ makes a beautiful espresso with a rich crema that is essential for the whole latte. I could have bought a milk frother with CITIZ, but I chose not to do so, and now I am sorry not to buy it because I make lattes and it would be nice to drink with almond-frothed milk.
Oh okay. The CITIZ has a small container that collects the capsules, making throwing the pods in a plastic recycling bag. Fortunately, the coffee pods collection container has about 1/2 part at the bottom to order machine dripping coffee. Though the capsule’s container capacity is 10 to 11, I will not allow more than six pods to accumulate as the capsule container may overflow.
There have been reviews that Nespresso CITIZ is rather noisy, but I realized it is louder than my previous Senseo espresso machine. The water heats up in about 20-25 seconds, quite reliable. I would have a cup under the faucet when I pressed the button to turn on the machine, but once it started making espresso in the middle of heating the water! I don’t know what happened, but it hasn’t happened since, but I always have a cup under the faucet before turning it on.
I bought some third-party pods advertised as compatible with Nespresso, but the pods I bought are plastic, a little smaller, and the coffee was inferior to Nespresso coffee. I think it costs a bit extra for Nespresso pods. I like a light espresso, and I find Pure Origin Nespresso Rosabaya de Colombia to be the best flavor for me and Caramelito, a caramel-flavored coffee that is great. There are also Nespresso compatible decaffeinated espresso pods.
I love this machine and would like to tell you why I recommend this Nespresso machine.
Nespresso also specializes in making espresso machines and coffee and espresso pods that have delighted coffee drinkers and design lovers. These are the beautiful Nespresso espresso machines adding a touch of elegance to coffee rituals around the globe. Nespresso Citiz is the range of intuitive and user-friendly coffee machines while maintaining its famous lines, and premium finish is a testament to Nespresso’s expertise in meeting all preferences of coffee drinkers and design lovers.
In general, all Nespresso coffee machines are reasonably sleek in design, but I consider Cetiz one of the most attractive espresso machines in its price range. Keeping its iconic lines and premium finish, the details of the sets elevate the simple design without disturbing, and their colors are bright and clear. It is a beautifully understood device that can fit in any setting.
The Nespresso CitiZ comes in several colors and designs, like Nespresso CitiZ Breville, Silver, Nespresso CitiZ by Breville, Red and red dot award-winning Nespresso Citiz Chrome Espresso Maker. You can choose from a full chrome finish or a plastic matte finish in white, black, or red, and it depends on your choice of which you prefer.
Citiz has straightforward programmable buttons. You can program these one-touch buttons to your preferred size. The water flow stops automatically after 1.35 ounces (espresso) or 3.7 ounces (lingo), but you can control the mix by pressing the one-touch buttons again or adding more after it runs out. Even better, you can push your buttons down to set your preferred volume.
The coffee brewed by Nespresso Citiz is tasty and fragrant and has a strong layer of crema on the top. It doesn’t matter what brand of coffee pods you use; I’m sure the quality of the espresso produced by this compact Nespresso model will impress you. The espresso is flavorful and aromatic, no matter which coffee variety I use. I’m impressed with the espresso quality produced by this compact Nespresso model. Customers choose Nespresso for the excellent quality of their coffee. The brand operates under the premise that the best machine in the world is useless if you use subpar coffee, and I have to agree.
The CitiZ is available with or without the Aeroccino milk frother, and it is an excellent choice for ensuring a creamy smooth brew, so it’s worth the added cost. This milk frothing device is simple to use with its one-button function and two attachments to create lattes and cappuccinos. Its design is integrated with the coffee maker, attaching to the side port and detaching for convenient cleaning; however, it is separate. The Aero 3 Milk Frother does not require such a clean, so it is unnecessary during the descaling process. However, you must thoroughly rinse and wipe the cylinder after every use. Not satisfied! See how to use your Nespresso Citiz and Aero 3 Milk Frother in this video:
Of course, all Nespresso coffee machines are easy to use, but Nespresso Cities is ridiculously easy to operate. A friend had never used an espresso machine before, but when he bought Nespresso Cities, he had no trouble using it. But if you have never used a Cetiz machine before, let me tell you how to operate it without any hassle.
The CitiZ machine has only two buttons. One makes espresso or a single shot, while the other a double shot or lungo. There is no independent power button; press one of the two coffee buttons to start, which will flash for about 25 seconds when the machine is ready to use. When the button lights up as a steady green, it indicates that CitiZ is prepared for action. Make sure the pod is inserted into the machine, then press the appropriate button. After about twenty seconds, your desired morning cup of coffee will be ready to enjoy.
Precisely nine minutes after you use it, the machine shuts off automatically, so you don’t have to worry if you have to go to the office or work outside the home. It is beneficial for forgetful people like me because I often forget to turn off my coffee machine after using it. You can customize these nine minutes to more or less.
The folding cup tray makes the device easy to use with your preferred mug size. You can flip it up for latte in a big mug and flip it down for a small espresso cup.
The Nespresso CitiZ has a 34-ounce water tank, a great option in the Nespresso Original Line series, and that’s what sets it apart from other machines. The Essenza Mini tank, for example, has a capacity of only 20 ounces, Prodigio has 27 oz, Lattissima Plus has 30 oz, Nespresso U has 27 oz, Nespresso Pixie has 24 oz, and Nespresso Inissia has 24 oz of water capacity. A large reservoir of water means you can make significantly more cups of coffee without refilling it. You would consider this feature before deciding between various comparable models in the lower price range.
When I get tired, I turn to coffee. But if I don’t clean my coffee machine regularly, it will give off stinky coffee. So I have to clean my Nespresso Citiz every three months to get delicious coffee all the time. It only takes me 15 minutes to do this when I am descaling my Nespresso Citiz, and I can show you how to do it.
If you use your coffee machine typically, you should clean your Nespresso Citiz every three months or after about 300 uses. Still, if you have a lot of coffee in your home or office, you should clean your Nespresso machine as soon as you notice any changes in the taste of coffee. But even if you use your coffee machine sparingly, descaling at least once a year will help keep your device running.
To avoid the consequences of your Nespresso Citiz‘s dirty coffee, you will need a good descaling solution kit. The Urnex Dezcal Activated Scale Remover Kit can give you the best cleaning of your Nespresso machine. The solution is non-toxic, biodegradable, odorless, and safe, and it works on all kinds of coffee machines and other kitchen devices. Best of all, it’s available at a meager price. You will mix this solution and water in a large container.
There are four simple steps required to descale your Nespresso Citiz, and they are pretty simple. You have to follow this process to ensure that your coffee machine is clean and ready to make delicious coffee.
Exiting descaling mode
Now, you have descaled your Nespresso Citiz, and now it is ready to make excellent coffees again. For more information, check out this video on how to descale a Nespresso Citiz:
If you want to buy a good machine on a low budget, then the Essenza Mini is better for you if you have a small family. Because it has a 20 oz water tank which may not be enough for a big family. If your family is large and everyone is keen on coffee, then CitiZ is the best option for you as it has a 34 oz water tank which is enough for a big family. And if you want a giant cup, consider checking out the VertuoLine series, either Evoluo or VertuoPlus.
You’ll need to choose either Pixie or the CitiZ that suits your space and needs best; both have pros and cons in their subtle differences. Pixie is less expensive and a more premium-looking machine that will suit you best and save you some money. But it has a 24 oz water reservoir and a small spent capsule tank which is insufficient for a big family. On the other hand, the Nespresso machine CitiZ has a retro look and more color customization, and it has a 34 oz water tank and is a little more user-friendly than Pixie.
Double Espresso with Nespresso Citiz espresso machine sounds good but is quite confusing because Citiz is an OriginalLine machine. You cannot make Double Espresso with an OriginalLine machine but can only brew two separate espresso shots, each with 1.35 oz espresso pods.
Suppose you’re looking for a classic Nespresso machine that introduces you to a sophisticated, reliable coffee experience without being overwhelmed by features like Wi-Fi connectivity, capsule reordering buttons, or a lot of one-touch specialty drinks. In that case, the Nespresso Citiz espresso machine is best for you.
But if you are more interested in latte or cappuccino and occasionally drink espresso. The Nespresso machine Citiz and milk or Lattissima Plus will be better for you because these models have integrated milk frothers. Thanks to these milk frothers, these models combine espresso and frothed milk so that nothing more has to be poured over them. These models also make one-touch drinks.
And if you prefer VertuoLine over an OriginalLine and are looking for a machine that can produce standard coffees up to 17 oz, check out Evoluo or VertuoPlus Deluxe.
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