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As one of the uttermost well-liked drinks in the world, dark roast coffee is here to stay.
Still, even dark roast coffee lovers may be querying about whether this drink is acidic and how its acidity may impact their body health. Let’s know.
Acids are the main thing that makes the taste of fruits and vegetables attractive to our tongue and throat. Acid also plays a vital role in the coffee drink, so our coffee has a variety of descent and vibrant flavors. This is great. But suppose you are afflilated with acid reflux or any other relevant problem. In that case, you need to read my article before taking your daily cup of joe.
Agree? So let’s get started.
Our topic is not acidity at all, but before I explain that dark roast is less acidic or more, I want to tell you what acidity is?
Stomach acid or gastric acid is a water-like dilute digestive substance that formed within the stomach lining. It is a very acidic compound, and it breaks down food so that the food can be easily digested. But this compound has a level of acidity, which is maintained by the systems inside the body. And sometimes, when those systems fail, the level of gastric acidity becomes more or less than its prescribed level, which leads to the problem of low or high acidity for our stomach.
The pH scale measures the level of gastric acidity. This level ranges from 0 to 14 degrees. Its neutral level is 7.0, which is the pH level of water. The lower the pH level than 7.0, the higher the acidity, and the higher than 7.0, the lower the acidity as alkaline liquids have a pH level of 14 and are completely free of acid.
Battery acid has a pH level of 0 and can dissolve materials such as metal and bone. The gastric acidity level is between 1 and 2, which is its standard acidity level of your stomach. Your stomach can also dissolve strong materials like bones with this level of acidity.
Gastric acid contains three types of compounds: hydrochloric acid, potassium chloride, and sodium chloride.
The cells that make up the inner wall of the stomach. They make gastric acid as well as enzymes and mucus. The mucus protects the inner wall of the stomach from gastric acid. It is usual for gastric acidity levels to fluctuate over time.
Nature has created a system in our body that keeps this acidity level. Medication and stress can damage your body’s system, which keeps the acidic state of your stomach at a normal level.
This disorder causes your body to produce too much or too little hydrochloric acid called high acidity or low acidity.
High levels of stomach acid can lead to heartburn, acid reflux, and ulcers. And if the stomach acid levels are low, your stomach will be unable to digest food. So we should be careful in eating and drinking things that cause more or less acidity in our stomachs. Aren’t you bored? No! Let’s talk about the acidity of dark roast coffee.
Is dark roast coffee more acidic or light roast?
The answer requires a study, how the coffee beverage comes from the coffee cherry plant to our cup. Don’t worry! Let me tell you.
The coffee cherry is a fruit that grows on coffee cherry trees. When it is ripe, it is plucked from the tree, its pulp and peel removed, and the seeds are dried. After removing the parchment layer of the seed, the outcome is green coffee beans. These green coffee beans are so hard that you can’t break them with your teeth or grinder machine until you roast them. So roasting green coffee beans is the process that causes these beans to break and grind. And this process also turns the green coffee beans’ herbal and acidic flavor into excellent, low acidic chocolate flavors. It turns out that the more you roast, the better the taste. The more roasted the beans will be, the more the beans’ wild and herbal properties will change. The more you roast the green coffee beans, the low the acidity.
Every coffee variety may have an acidic pH value from 4.8 to 5.10.
There are countless compounds in your standard beverage, but the brewing process releases only nine major acids. These acids are chlorogenic, quinic, citric, acetic, lactic, malic, phosphoric, linoleic, and palmitic.
I think you would be scared to see nine acids in coffee. And you might be thinking of quitting coffee because it is a very acidic drink. Am I true? Yes? But not. Let me explain.
Don’t worry about coffee’s acidity, as it is similar to the acidity found in fruits. Let me tell you.
Below is the list which tells you the pH level of different fruits.
lemon juice (pH: 2.00–2.60)
limes (pH: 2.00–2.80)
blue plums (pH: 2.80–3.40)
grapes (pH: 2.90–3.82)
pomegranates (pH: 2.93–3.20)
grapefruits (pH: 3.00–3.75)
blueberries (pH: 3.12–3.33)
pineapples (pH: 3.20–4.00)
apples (pH: 3.30–4.00)
peaches (pH: 3.30–4.05)
oranges (pH: 3.69–4.34)
tomatoes (pH: 4.30–4.90)
You should not be surprised that the fruits listed above have lower pH levels than coffee, as the pH level of coffee ranges from 4.8 to 5.10. Lowering the pH level of coffee means that the acidity in these fruits is much higher than in coffee. So should we stop eating these fruits because they have high acidity? Of course, your answer will be “no.” Is that so? Why do we think of quitting coffee,” which is quite tasty and has less acidity than fruits? Do you have the answer? No! Let me give you the answer.
One answer is that acidity in a dark roast or light roast coffee or fruit is better for a healthy stomach because they keep the pH level inside the stomach normal. The second answer is that the acidity found in coffee or fruit is only at risk for those who have acid reflux or any other similar acidity problem. And the third and final answer to this question is that: people with acid reflux are only at risk from the acidity of coffee or fruit when they have a stomach ache or have increased acidity in their stomach after drinking coffee or eating fruits.
When we drink coffee or eat fruit, these things have higher acidity levels. When they go into the stomach, several chemical reactions may cause their acidity level to change.
Dark roast levels your stomach acidity. Sometimes your stomach acid pH level is lower than normal. After drinking coffee or eating fruit, it may return to a normal pH level. So the fruit or coffee made your stomach acidity up to the level your stomach needed. Thus fruits and coffee may cause a better result for your stomach acidity. You should consult a doctor if you have any problem with your stomach after eating or drinking coffee or fruit.
So low acid coffee does not mean an insipid, flat brew that is just a pale, flavorless imitation of the real thing. Instead, low acid coffee means that you can enjoy your morning joe without suffering the consequences for hours afterward.
Let’s compare whether it is easy to digest a coffee that has been roasted so lightly that it has wild herbal flavors and characteristics, or a coffee that has been roasted well and has lost all its wild characteristics to make it fragrant and turned into delicious flavors? The Dark Roast meets these characteristics.
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