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Easy Guide to Process Coffee at Home 

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It doesn’t matter if you aren’t an expert at roasting coffee. Being ignorant of the art of roasting coffee does not mean that you do not enjoy freshly roasted coffee at home. By the following steps, you can prepare a delicious cup of coffee that you can enjoy at home.

10 Easy steps to process coffee cherry at home 

  1. Planting a coffee cherry tree
  2. Picking coffee cherries from the coffee cherry tree 
  3. Milling the coffee cherries 
  4. Drying the coffee cherry seeds 
  5. Storing the coffee cherry beans
  6. Parchment Removal from the outside of coffee beans 
  7. Roasting the coffee beans 
  8. Removal of the silver skin from the outside of the coffee cherry beans 
  9. Grinding the coffee cherry beans 
  10. Brewing the coffee 
coffee cherries peeling machine

Below I’ve explained all the necessary steps to process coffee cherries at home. 

home coffee roaster machine
  • Planting a coffee cherry tree: Plant a good quality coffee plant in your home garden; it will take 3 to 4 years to provide you with fruit.
  • Picking coffee cherries from the coffee cherry tree: You will choose some ripe coffee cherries from the coffee cherry tree of your home garden or orchard anywhere else. 
  • Milling the coffee cherries: Tear off the flesh and skin of the coffee cherries by a hand-cranked coffee mill and expose the coffee seeds. You put the coffee cherries in the ( funnel type) top of the machine and rotate the handle, and the raw coffee beans will come out from the front of the machine; you can see husks falling out underneath the machine. 
  • Drying the coffee cherry seeds: You can set coffee cherry seeds out in the sun to dry for a few days. You can set them out in the sun for four to six days, depending on the sun’s heat. Now your coffee beans are dried.
  • Storing the coffee cherry beans: You can see a parchment layer on the outside of the coffee beans. There are green coffee beans covered in the tan-colored parchment layer. If you ever go to store coffee beans, it is the best way to keep it with the parchment layer, but if you want roasted coffee, you’ll have to take it off. 
  • Parchment Removal from the outside of coffee cherry beans: The next step for us will be to remove the parchment skin from our coffee beans. So we don’t have very many coffee beans; there are some very tricky little techniques you can use in your home kitchen. Put the coffee cherry beans in the small grinding machine in your kitchen. Give two or three small shakes and remove to a little deep platter. Blow the husk with a mini air blower. Re-insert the coffee beans with the parchment skin unremoved into the grinding machine, shake it out two or three times, and blow the husk. When you take the parchment skin off, you will be left with something known as green coffee beans. Green coffee beans are the coffee beans with the parchment removed. And they are ready for roasting. You can see there’s very good skin on the outside of the green coffee beans, known as silver skin, that comes off naturally during the roasting. 
  • Roasting the coffee cherry beans: Put the green coffee beans in a roasting pan with some cooking oil and let them on the stove for roasting. The key to roasting coffee in a cooking pan is to keep it stirred up and keep it moving with a wooden spatula so that the coffee beans do not burn. It will take 3 to 4 minutes, and you can see it turn slightly brown. Also, some of the silver skin chaff is coming off. You’re at the stage now they call the first crack, and you can hear them popping like popcorns
  • So take these coffee beans from the cooking pan and put them into a colander to cool them down. Shake the colander three to four times so that the silver skin comes out through the holes underneath. Let them cool down. These are roasted coffee cherry beans without silver skin, and now the next step starts grinding.
  • Grinding the coffee cherry beans: Put the roasted coffee beans in a small kitchen grinder machine and grind them well. Take it off from the grinding machine, and this is your coffee powder or flour; now, the next step is brewing your coffee.
  • Brewing the coffee: Pour some extremely hot boiled water into a cup and put a coffee cloth filter. Put your coffee powder in the cloth strainer according to your taste and need. Let the cloth strainer stay some time in the cup. Now take the cloth filter off from the cup; your cup of espresso coffee is ready to enjoy.


I have explained to you the method of processing coffee beans at home in great detail, but if you do not have enough time to follow this method, then you can select any of the roasted coffee beans given below:

  1. Ethiopian Yirgacheffe
  2. Organic Congo Kivu Coffee
  3. Cooper’s Cask Coffee
  4. Kenya Peaberry Coffee
  5. Tanzanian Peaberry Coffee
  6. Hawaiian Kona Coffee Beans
  7. Burundi Kavugangoma
  8. Uganda’s Good African Coffee
  9. Ethiopian Harrar Coffee
  10. Kenya AA Coffee
  11. Uganda’s Good African Coffee
  12. Madagascar Excellence Roasted Coffee
  13. Cameroon Arabica Coffee
  14. Côte d’Ivoire – Ivory Coast’s Coffee Beans
  15. DRC’s Virunga Beans
 Brewing Coffee

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